Visit VasCare Vein Clinic Booth at Beaumont Senior Expo
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Call for An Appointment

Beaumont Senior ExpoVisit our booth at the 15th annual Southeast Texas Senior Celebration and Consumer Expo Thursday, October 23, from 8:30am to 2:00pm at the Beaumont Civic Center for a free vein screening.

It’s an exciting day for adults of all ages- and an extra special event for Southeast Texas seniors! Admission and parking are FREE!

The expo will have over 100 booths with free health screenings, presentations, refreshments, live music, bingo, and lots of fun!

If you’ve noticed leg veins popping out, or have any questions about vascular disease, visit our booth and say hi! Visit for more information about the expo.

For those that live in the Beaumont area and would like to request an appointment, please call (409) 924-8600, or fill out an online request form.